September Meeting Wednesday 9/20

This week brings the Autumnal Equinox, and the first SoDo NRZ meeting of the 2023-24 year, Wednesday, September 20 at 6:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church (136 Capitol Ave., enter through the white building to the right of the main church). Please join us!

Our meetings typically include reports from Hartford NEXT, Community Garden, and the Outreach and Social Committees (check out this month's newsletter for info in the return of SoDo’s Progressive Dinner!), reports from HPD and HFD on activity in the neighborhood, and updates from various City offices such as Community Engagement, Planning & Development Services, and Sustainability. We occasionally have special guests who share information relevant to quality of life in the neighborhood/city.

It feels like Hartford activities are back up to pre-2020 levels: live music, festivals, yoga in the park, and non-profit fundraising events. Not sure where to start? Visit the new “Things To Do” page of our website, or the website.