Meeting Regarding Residential Parking Permits in SoDo

Wednesday, May 20, 6 pm

Hartford Public Library, Lower Level Classroom

The SoDo NRZ meeting on Wednesday, May 20 will include a discussion with Carey Redd of the Hartford Parking Authority on the possibility of implementing a Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program in the SoDo neighborhood. Under an RPP program, on designated streets and during designated hours, only those with a parking permit would be allowed to park there. Residents could purchase up to two permits ($25 annually). Vehicles without permits that park on a street designated as an RPP street would be ticketed ($45) and towed.

The RPP program has been launched in other Hartford neighborhoods (Asylum Hill, Charter Oak) and in other cities. 
The RPP program is only applicable to the streets within an NRZ where the residents do not have adequate parking to service their needs.

The streets that the HPA is considering are Whitman Court and Buckingham, based on requests from residents of those streets. All streets in SoDo could be considered, based on neighborhood feedback.

The meeting is open to the public and is your opportunity to learn more about the program and provide input. Please join us.